Fortnite Public

  1. [Aimbot]

  2. Enable

  3. TriggerBot

  4. NPC Aimbot

  5. Save Target

  6. Aim Lock

  7. Visibility Check

  8. Ignore Downed

  9. Weapon Only

  10. Draw FOV

  11. Draw Crosshair

  12. Draw Target

  13. Smooth

  14. TriggerBot Delay

  15. Hitbox [Visuals]

  16. Player (Skeleton & Box)

  17. 2D Rounded & 2D Centered

  18. Circle & Diameter Field of View

  19. Aimline

  20. Loot (Uncommon, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Chests)

  21. [Misc]

  22. Radar

  23. Out of Screen

  24. Choose The Desired Hotkey For Each Action

  25. Customizable Colors For Each Cheat Feature

  26. Save/Load Configs

  27. Font Selector

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      Fortnite Public
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